07.07 Merlin Excalibur Activation

9 months ago

Hello Beautiful Soul Family 💖

As we navigate the new WAVES of upgrades, are you feeling energetically overloaded?

These intense energies can bring up deep hidden Ego triggers, cause Emotional imbalances, dizziness, sluggishness, heaviness fatigue and so much more.

Now more than ever, this is an important reminder to HOLD space for YOURSELF and ground your energy. Take time in nature to recalibrate your energy field and balance your chakras. 💫

As we enter the 07-07 portal, we are being guided to bring you some powerful Ascension Tools, healing, and Activations from the Ascended Master MERLIN, to support your ascension journey and help bring you back into balance.

Join us on Thursday, July 7, 2022
LIVE from Glastonbury, UK

For a full day of Super Charged Activations and Healings 💖!!

10am to 4:30pm EST

This is a LIVE online event VIA Zoom Video Conference.

During this event, you will receive:

✨ The 144,000 Frequency Attunement and Guided Activation - this will greatly help stabilize your lightbody in these INTENSE energies
✨ A lecture and Live Q&A/Coaching on the POWER TEMPLATE - Activating your Divine Power
✨ An overview of the Tree of Life Map of Ascension with practical examples to help you navigate your spiritual path
✨ The Gift of Your Personal Sword of Light from
Ascended Master MERLIN
✨ The Activation of your ‘Syclical’ Chakra - this will help you access knowledge and guidance from Higher Dimensions
✨ Hathor Crystal Bowl Sound Healing Transmission to help recalibrate your subtle energy bodies

Using these tools and teachings, you will experience:

✨ Amplified guidance from the activation of your higher Chakras
✨ Your abundance and manifestation powers will amplify significantly and magnetize your desired reality towards you
much quicker
✨ More Magic and synchronicities in your life
✨ Amplified inner-guidance from and gain clarity on your path
✨ A quantum jump in your VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY, causing you to shift into higher timelines – more joy, more ease, more abundance
✨ Lesser density and negativity in your day-to-day life as we will equip you with all the tools needed

Reserve your ticket now at https://www.eldoraandsiman.love 💫

See you inside the Portal! 🧙‍♂️

With Love,
EldoRa & Siman ❤️

View our offerings @ https://eldoraandsiman.love

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/ eldorasiman
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/ eldoraandsiman
💕Upcoming 07.07 Merlin Excalibur Activation: https://www.eldoraandsiman.love
💕432 Hz Galactic DJ Mixes: https://www.mixcloud.com/houseofra/
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