Larry Johnson: Russia's New Nuclear Ultimatum to US' Moscow's Planning & RED LINE DRAWN to The West

6 months ago

Larry Johnson: Russia's New Nuclear Ultimatum to US' Moscow's Planning & RED LINE DRAWN to The West
Thank you Russia for bringing peace and justice to our world. :-)
Russian President also stated that he felt pity for us Americans because we had been lied to by our leaders and the media so he's going to practice restraint and hope that we come to our senses and call these assholes down
Even the way he speaks he’s so levelheaded, intelligent, respectful, and dignified. We need to go to him and say listen. We found the problem we’re fixing it now we need to swallow our pride as in America as United States of America. We need to swallow our pride, fix the problem get strong and never let it happen again if we can pull out of this cause you know China I ran North Korea. Everybody else is coming you know that.

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