Chinese Ambassador Accuses India Of Not Importing Chinese Cars

7 months ago

06/07/2024 First Post: Xu Feihong, the new ambassador to India, wants to sell more Chinese cars in the Indian markets. The Chinese are already dumping cheap steel in India. Reports say there is a flood of Chinese steel in the Indian markets. It has touched an eight-year high. Indian domestic steel makers want the government of India to do something about it.
#China #India #XuFeihong #ForeignCars
06/07/2024 First Post: 新任驻印度大使徐飞洪希望在印度市场倾销更多中国汽车。中国​​已经在向印度倾销廉价钢铁。据报道,印度市场上充斥着大量中国钢铁,这一数量已达到八年来的最高水平。印度国内钢铁制造商希望印度政府对此采取行动。
#印度 #中国汽车 #徐飞洪 #外国汽车

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