“Do you believe that we already have the cure for cancer?”

7 months ago

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts: https://therealdrjudy.com/judy-mikovits-transcripts/)

Owen Shroyer: Do you believe that we already have the cure for cancer?

Dr Judy Mikovits: We have many, many! There's no THE and there is no IT. They're multi-system diseases, and every single person is different. Yet, we could put together a protocol to cure, in fact, every single case.

Owen Shroyer: Now, Anthony Fauci let a bunch of people with AIDS die knowingly.

Dr Judy Mikovits: Yeah, unfortunately, that was my whole life from the day I walked in there, June 10, 1980, into the National Cancer Institute in Frederick, Maryland at Fort Detrick. That was it. And our last book Ending Plague tells you the ugly details of this 40-year Plague of Corruption really…

09/24/2022 - InfoWars

Watch the full interview with Mikki Willis and Patrick Burn: https://www.infowars.com/posts/must-watch-dr-judy-mikovits-in-studio-drops-covid-and-cancer-bombshells/

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