Loud and Proud: 'Loud Budgeting' is a New Trend Taking Over

9 months ago

The trend is blowing up on social media, and no, it’s not just another dance challenge. This one involves something far more radical: not spending money!

While MrBeast certainly doesn't need to be hopping on a money-saving trend anytime soon after making over $250,000 on a single X video (seriously, where’s the justice?), the rest of us mere mortals are still desperately clinging on amid a cost of living crisis that has us wondering if we can afford to window-shop.

However, fear not if you've been at a loss over how to save some more pennies, as a TikToker has come to the rescue with a trend that’s louder than your neighbor’s 2 a.m. karaoke sessions.

"It's the opposite of quiet luxury. But if you know any rich people, you know that they hate spending money so it's almost more chic, more stylish, more of a flex," says the Loud Bugdeter, who clearly spends a lot of time observing the mysterious ways of the wealthy.

"Loud budgeting has the same feeling as sneaking candy into a movie theater - you feel like you got away with something, you feel like you're on an adventure. You feel like you're coming out of the situation winning." Just don’t let the theater staff catch you, or your budget will blow up faster than the popcorn machine.

But what does 'loud budgeting' actually mean and how do you put it into practice? Well, the TikToker explains it's basically changing how you think about not spending. So, rather than saying 'I don't have enough' you say 'I don't want to spend'. Battle exemplifies: "So if your friend texts you, 'I want to hang out,' you text, 'I don't want to spend gas money, I'm coming to you to hear you talk about your ex for three hours'." Nothing says friendship like a budget-friendly therapy session. The TikToker adds: "Let’s send a message to corporations about the national inflation level. Let’s take a stand. Also, while quiet luxury is about idolizing celebrities, loud budgeting is about the everyday person, the average Joe, the heroes who know how to stretch a dollar until it begs for mercy."

And with the video having gone viral, it hasn't taken long for people to flood to social media to weigh in on the trend.

One TikToker wrote: "Loud budgeting is buying the travel size conditioner." Travel size? That’s living on the edge, friend. "My parents are JUST like this. Not flashy at all. I never thought we had money growing up then I realized they bought their home cash, retired early 50s, bought a boat, ski in park city," another added, making us all wonder what their secret really was. Frugality or a secret treasure map? A third commented: "Someone said that spending money is an ick in 2024 and now I’m living by that." Ah, the new social faux pas: having a latte. "I pay a lot of money to be at home. So that’s where I’ll be," a fourth wrote. Finally, a use for all those Netflix subscriptions. And a final resolved: "I've loud budgeted for 25 years and have 6 houses and a dollar tree black belt. Earn close to half mil and still recoil at Starbucks prices." We salute you, sensei of savings.

So, run, don’t walk into the trend and loud budget away. Because in this economy, the real flex is not spending at all.

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