Sweet Boy Nearly Destroyed When Flying Spoon Torpedos Towards Face

6 years ago

Quick poll for our readers: what do you picture yourself doing in ten years? Having a spouse? A family? An entire gaggle of children swarming around clinging to their feet and clutching at their toys? How about 20 years? Getting ready to send those same kids off to college? Helping them enroll in the military? Getting their senior year school portraits taken? A lot can happen in a short amount of time. If you do not believe us, go ask your own parents. They will amaze you with gripping tales of time flying by right before their eyes and how even you (yes you!) sprouted up like a flower and replaced the sweet tiny little baby they once knew with a walking, talking, fully-functional young adult. And the saddest thing - it all happens in the blink of an eye.

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