5/19/24 Bananas! 3 month time frame/Skyscraper, Water contamination in Africa! Odd bubbles!

8 months ago

radiation...alot of high radiation
(take cover) protect self!
nonfoliated rocks(some rocks by the coral reefs being tested
something about crystals
asteroid... between mars and jupiter
star wars dark vs light
"shots fired"?
rocks are constantly be shot out toward planet earth the asteroid belt
abrasion....grinding of eroded rock (earthquake)
another comet being sent out!
drink water stay hydrated at this time. dont leave waster out in the open
water contamination
level 10
water by africa will bubble physical odd bubbling
bubbles in a cup?

rain (weather).....snow after this good weather.... in certain places./ december 2023, more storms coming in, high winds,
#101 most high, protection,entanglement, south pole, saturn ring, clip, heart chakra/space
grapes, bananas, bananas, bananas 3 times
fish, match,
who, he
slow energy lava viscosity aa lava
summer time, writing, led,
banana tree?
forest catching fire
matching pair devine pair/union
mountain..... sea arch/turtle shell whats in that turtle shell or eroded rock
rubber band
pail of water.... collect rain water?
lava....bubbles.... blending into water?
solar eclipes was a double lunar eclipse.....
christmas? what happen during christmas 2023

clear rock....celinite skyscraper..... skyscraper?
tall building or rock?
intune balance and inner peace

flourine.....?toothpaste....something not healthly similar in the water

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