Summer Railfanning at the Scarsdale Station! Featuring the Yankee Clipper and great diesel horns!

4 months ago

Recorded on 6/7/24. After work, it was time for the weekend to start. My family was crazy busy so I didn't waste any time figuring out what to do for the weekend. Right after work, I made a revisit to Scarsdale Station since it has been over five years since I last railfanned at Scarsdale. Scarsdale is a beautiful station! Honestly the prettiest station on the Harlem Line. The amount of action is definetly better south of North White Plains for the Harlem Line. Though that hasn't stopped me from railfanning north of North White Plains. I usually try to railfan the Harlem line on a weekday since that's when the two diesel trains run. I also try to aim my Harlem Line railfanning on days when a Yankee game is going on to catch the Yankee clipper train. All of the diesels and the Yankee clipper trains are featured in this video. I got quite a lot of trains in just two hours while I was at Scarsdale. This is a good weekday railfanning spot to come to if you are ever in Scarsdale. The diesel trains had some FANTASTIC horns! The P32 horns sound much better in the summer compared to the winter for some reason. Enjoy the fun at Scarsdale!

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