High-Blood Ka Ba? (Losing Your Cool is Not Cool) - Part 2 (Baptist Preaching - Ph)

8 months ago

Sunday Afternoon Preaching on Sins to Avoid - Part 2 of 2
June 9, 2024

High-Blood Ka Ba
(Losing Your Cool is Not Cool)

Text: James 1:19-20

Objective: that the brethren know how to deal with personal anger, know when are the many times it is very undesirable and avoid its negative outcomes

1. Define –high-blood, cool, “losing it”, temper, anger, wrath
2. High-blood (literal) management
3. Bible stories/verses – unjustified anger(burst of emotion)

Reasons why we must avoid unjustified Anger
1. It’s Unwise – Foolish
a. Proverbs 14:17, Proverbs 19:11; Ec. 7:9
2. People will Avoid you (unnecessarily)
a. Proverbs 21:19 – family
b. Proverbs 22:24 – friends
3. Prone to Sin
a. Proverbs 29:22 – “aboundeth in transgression”
b. Ps. 37:8 – “to do evil”
4. You will not be pushing away even the Lord’s great Instructions - John 7:23
5. You’ll miss out on Blessings that are due to you
a. Pr. 16:32 – important characteristic for would-be successful people

Let us know how to deal with personal anger, know when are the many times it is very undesirable and avoid its negative outcomes.
Keep your cool. Keep it cool.

Discerning Word Baptist Church
Banaba San Mateo Rizal


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