5-19-24 Lava has cooled overtime now things are heating up from beneath and causing land masses to slowly crack!

4 months ago

This video is for entertainment purposes only! energy can extend out two weeks to two months and if it happens it happens!

metamorphism....pressure and heat (intense heat and pressure)
dormant volcano....rising out of the shadows causing shifts to tectonic plates
frost wedging....(repeated cycle of freezing and thawing)causing rock to crack)reminds me of antartica
temperate chaparral... spirit animal the quail......what state bird is the quail?
things have been cracking over time with rocks that are land mass
igneous rock.....cooling magma that form rocks
obsidian rock
basalt rock
granite rock and other
anticline........opening (portal open)
subduction..... tectonic plates moving under another tectonic plate.....making room for something?
Nebula (netflix movie)gas cloud from dust heat and hydrogen.....stars are born from this gas cloud! (something is being birth)? into this world, back to life rising up!
convective zone sun layer near its surface where hot gases rise and cool descending back into the sun!
could be experiencing pimples at this time!
transform boundary... another earthquake is picking backup!
Plate tectonic theory.......separating breaking apart making room for something to come in... possibly around africa......right above south america (alantic ocean)
geologic plates
radiactive zone inner layer of sun!
alot of sun activity
focus...another earthquake
comet..... another comet is coming!!!!

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