[TEST RUN] PFE-Drone Bld WITHOUT Memento /#Gameplay of #Division2 #TomClancy #WZ #Gaming

8 months ago

Legendary gameplay often prevents Players from rushing forward to claim Confirm Kill stacks from Memento. So, maybe we don't need Memento? The main benefit of Memento in any playstyle that emphasizes caution is the Armor Regen and some minor damage buffs. This new variant of the PFE-Drone build boosts damage inflicted while maintaining a constant +2 Armor Regen, possibly making Memento unncessary.

The real test will be in Legendary.

Current Build Breakdown:

Main Weapon: St. Elmo's Engine w/Crit Chance 3rd Attribute
Secondary Weapon: CMMG Banshee w/DTOOC and Future Perfect
Pistol: TDI Kard Custom

Mask: Belstone Armory (CHC)(CHD)(Protection From Elites)(Yellow Core)
Chest: Striker's Battlegear (CHD)(Protection From Elites)(Blue Core)
Holster: Striker's Battlegear (CHD)(Protection From Elites)(Blue Core)
Backpack: Striker's Battlegear (CHC)(Protection From Elites)(Blue Core)
Gloves: Striker's Battlegear (CHD)(Blue Core)
Kneepads: Emperor's Guard-Murakami Industries (CHC)(Armor Regen)(Yellow Core)

Crusader Shield
Defender Drone

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