Dog Plays Tug-Of-War With Teen Trying To Go Kayaking

6 years ago

For a few minutes we rewatched this video and a part of us thought maybe this dog knows something that we or the boy in the kayak don’t know. Obviously, if the boy goes into the water he is going to be attacked by the Creature from the Black Lagoon. What else could it be? That or this dog is training to be the next World’s Strongest Dog! We imagine that they will be chasing huge tennis balls and not lifting giant Atlas balls.

That or this dog really, really loves to play tug of war. There are a lot of options here, and personally, we love all of them. So, now that we have supposition as to what the dog is doing, let us discuss kayaks. The word comes from variations of similar words used by Inuit, Yup’ik, and Aleut peoples of North America. They used the boats to hunt on lakes, rivers and the open ocean mostly in the north Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic oceans as well as the Bering Sea. Early versions used stitched seal and other animal skins stretched over wood or whalebone structures.

The concept and use of Kayaks is thought to go back at least 4,000 years, however, the oldest kayak in existence is dated to the year 1577 and on display in Munich, Germany. Since being introduced to the wider world kayaks have gone through a number of material changes. Until the 1950s most kayaks were made traditionally or from wood. Fiberglass boats were introduced in the 50s, but that changed to rotomolded plastic in the 1970s. Today, most kayaks, like the one in this video, are made from rotomolded polyethylene resins and feature ballistic nylon or rubber materials.

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