Since there's rumors in my area that "Goose" never existed...

4 months ago

now that you all can hear my voice in summer of 2023, without auto tune, and see Goose in his lilac ballgown adorned with ribbons and faux pearls, I am here to make a disclaimer that despite the path I took in life , I do not support giving crosssex hormone replacement therapy or elective surgery to minors, or anyone under the age of 27. I can't go back in time and wait until college to make permanent decisions with full informed consent. but I can speak up & say, "Hey, what we're doing to these kids is wrong & dangerous, but can we quit pretending a fully reversible decision like clothing, hairstyles, makeup, pronouns, name changes etc are some type of unanimous, diabolical plot to depopulate the earth? Chill, bros. 🍵💁🏽‍♀️🫖☕🐸💅🏽

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