My Mom’s Health Transformation!

8 months ago


I continue to raise awareness and expose the government for crimes against humanity -
My mother took Covid jab- before was completely healthy - I had to pick my mother from Shreveport LA Jan 23, 2024 because my brother phoned me and said “Tamika I don’t think mommas going to make it - her memory is getting worst - she moves everything and forgets she’s doing it and then accuse us for doing it - I would call home and hear my mother cursing my brother out (my mother doesn’t curse)
she had plaque on her brain, eye inflammation, pneumonia, hepatitis and inflamed organs..
I recorded a video of how I healed my mother and got her back into a stable mindset

Everything I was doing for my mom was “faith healing” or going to Energy Healing Centers. We have 2 bodies - a physical and emotional body - I was already giving my mom sooooo many supplements-

But now I immediately focused on healing her “emotional” body and since we have not been taught about our emotional body - this is what I did / because it’s all about faith and speaking positive affirmations over your life - and/or working with Shamans - this is how Native Americans healed their tribes and others back in the day!

After her session with the Shaman (I will be booking another appt) she had so much more energy and she seem to be lighter.. this entailed removing the negative trauma from the emotional body and once this happens this automatically heals the physical body

She also visited with friends and laughed, danced, sing, we grounded to the earth - there’s many health benefits here because God supplied the earth with free electrons and when we put our body to the earth this resets our entire body and pulls inflammation out immediately….

We visited an Energy Healing Clinic in Kearny Arizona and once home from their - once again I noticed tons of energy and her memory came back even more powerful

Today my mom is still drinking the MMS, which destroys all pathogens in the body and the only reason diseases can thrive is because of pathogens- next I Introduced her to liquid light (Asea) this regrows back our DNA, ATP’s and Telomere’s, and finally I start letting her wear the stem cell patch - this REACTIVATES human’s stem cells that has been lying dormant for generations…

She is doing absolutely amazing today!!

Thank God for his medicine cabinet as well as giving each soul the power to heal our own bodies - we only must believe (and as been proven In placebo effect for over 100 years) humans really do have the power to heal our own body!

Every step I took was geared towards mindfulness- I will be definitely rebooking another appt with the Shaman here in Seattle

Love and light

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