Reptilians Of Draco | Draconian ET Alien Species, Ciakhrr Empire, Galactic Dominion | Astral Legends

9 months ago

The Draconian Reptilians, are described as inter-dimensional extraterrestrial humanoid beings, who are believed to be the most ancient race in the universe next to the lyrans and were apart of the annunaki civilization and even the annunaki group known as the Igigi. In this episode, we will take you into the the culture and every day life of Reptilian-Draconians with information prompted by recent discoveries, and close encounters. Reptilians are purported to be extraterrestrial entities capable of shape-shifting into humanoid reptilian forms. Often characterized as possessing advanced intelligence and technology, they are said to exert influence over human affairs, including manipulating governments and impacting global events throughout the entire cosmos.

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