WEF 公佈強制性「大腦植入」以根除陰謀論 WEF Unveils Mandatory 'Brain Implants' to Eradicate Conspiracy Theories

7 months ago


WEF 公佈強制性「大腦植入」以根除陰謀論

WEF Unveils Mandatory 'Brain Implants' to Eradicate Conspiracy Theories


全球主義精英不滿足於安樂死你的祖父母、將 mRNA 注入食物供應以改變你的 DNA、使戀童癖正​​常化以及通過比爾蓋茨的合成肉製品使人口患上癌症,現在他們迫切希望通過發動一場戰爭來重新獲得對人類的全面控制,WEF 令人不安地將其命名為「大腦之戰」。

根據克勞斯·施瓦布的 WEF,如果未出生的孩子接受基因編輯以確保他們沒有精英們不贊成的殘疾、疾病和心理特徵,人類將更好地應對未來的挑戰。



Not content with euthanizing your grandparents, pumping mRNA into the food supply to alter your DNA, normalizing pedophilia, and riddling the population with turbo cancer via Bill Gates’ synthetic meat products, the globalist elite are now desperate to regain total control over humanity by waging a war the WEF have disturbingly named the “Battle for your Brain.”

According to Klaus Scwab’s WEF, humanity will be better equipped to deal with future challenges if unborn children undergo gene editing to ensure they are free of disabilities, disease, and psychological traits of which the elite disapprove.

If Schwab’s plans to “alter the human being” and win the “Battle for your Brain” are not disturbing enough, wait until you hear how the European Union is planning to crack down on any opposition to the globalist agenda.

Forewarned is forearmed. This is a coordinated attack by the global elite and its about to explode.

來源: #TPV #ThePeoplesVoice 英語原版 https://rumble.com/v4zcz16-wef-unveils-mandatory-brain-implants-to-eradicate-conspiracy-theories.html

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