Genesis 3:1-24 "The Fall of Man" 5/25/2024

4 months ago

But Satan was using this snake; he, being a disembodied spirit, embodied this snake.
If you want an example, Satan embodied or possessed Judas before he left the Last Supper to turn Jesus in.
And demons embodied the swine that ran off the cliff to their death, accounting for the very first mention of deviled ham.
Eve was in the Garden. She knew the animals, and she knew that even the snakes were harmless. She would not have felt threatened by them.
And she is not surprised that the snake can talk.
Satan often comes at us disguised as something else…he masquerades as an angel of light.
He deceives us into thinking everything will be fine…and then he has us where he wants us!
We realize it is a trap when it is already too late…The Bible tells us that Satan is a deceiver…a liar…and a murderer…so why do we fall for his tricks?
We fall for his tricks because he employs the same tricks on us today…as he did in the garden with Adam and Eve.
He presents sin to us disguised as something it is not…and he will twist the Word of God…to make it seem as if it's okay to sin.

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