China Issues A Warning (see description for additional context)

8 months ago

China is Providing Support for Russia and quite rightly so, as Russia has been the deep-state bogey-man for far too long. Still today foolish people call Russia "communists" and their Army as the "Red Army"...this is 100% lies and deception, the Red Army were the Bolshevik Jews aka Zionist Nazi Jews and the Bolsheviks were the ones who forced Communism onto Russia and the region of Russia called the Ukraine, and the massacre of the Romanov's. Ukraine never filed its borders in 1991 when the Bolshevik-communist USSR collapsed, but Putin has been extremely patient as NATO and the US funded puppet government following the US coup in Kiev in 2014 signed yet totally ignored the Minsk Agreement. NATO was the Nazi jackboots for the UN, always has been since the day it was created. Russia was the innocent party, why? because it's the last Christian stronghold, as the satanic Vatican was central to the destruction of Christians and Christianity, due to the Jesuits and their Luciferian scumbags in the Freemasons. The UNITED STATES CORPORATION was already under the influence of Satanism, emanating from Hollywood, and from there it spreads to Europe.


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