Mira Safety CM-6M Gas Mask Unboxing

9 months ago

Okay, I know, it's a long video, but there is a lot of information here. We go over the box information, the contents, literally open the sealed contents, go over the details, the pro's and con's of this style of gas mask. I show you wearing it, and wearing with a helmet, how to connect and disconnect the canteen, how the drinking hose connects and how to use it, details on the inside for those wearing glasses. We also go over the tech data sheet on the filter, and it comes with stickers (YAY!) Towards the end, I show you the drop pouch from an earlier video that was designed to store/protect the mask and its accessories.

This gas mask is used by police agency's across the US, as well as multiple police and government agencies in the Czech Republic, Norway, Portugal, Chile, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Kuwait, Latvia and Lebanon.

The separate Mira Drop Leg Pouch video can be found here: https://youtu.be/EkegMf3cVds

The gas mask can be found here on Mira Safety's website: https://alnk.to/clXitsq
On Amazon here: https://amzn.to/3KxbkAz

The NBC-77 SOF filter can be found here:
on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/4aSpIOf

If your looking for the kit INCLUDING the CM-6M mask, Canteen, NBC-77 SOF filter,and the Drop leg pouch, it can be found here:

Don't forget to use the Coupon Code if ordering from Mira directly, Mira has free shipping in the US and some of the links above are cheaper than Amazon prices.

*Mirasafety.com - 10% off your entire order with the Coupon Code: SURVIVAL-GYVER

The Flashlight seen towards the end is the Nitecore EDC25 flashlight, which can be found here on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3xfp1AQ

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Amazon prime 30-Day free trial, just in case you want something here sooner, rather than later: https://amzn.to/3yvxqgI

** Coupon Codes **
*Countycomm.com - 10% off entire order with coupon Code: SURVIVALGYVER

*Augasonfarms.com - 10% off you First Order, use coupon code: SURVIVAL-GYVER, With some exceptions (Cannot be combined with other discounts. *60-Meal Kit, Christmas Variety Pail, and Bakers Dozen excluded from this offer.)

*RefugeMedical.com - 10% off your order using this special link: https://www.refugemedical.com/Survival-gyver

*Atwoodrope.com - 10% off your order with the Coupon Code:

*Blackbeardfire.com - 10% off your order with the Coupon Code:

*Mirasafety.com - 10% off your entire order with the Coupon Code: SURVIVAL-GYVER

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