Innovative Approach to Money and Patents

8 months ago

All these things that I showed you guys, I've patented these things. You know why I patented them? because in 1926 a man named Walter Russell wrote a book called The Universal One and in it he introduced an entirely new periodic table and there he introduced the two heavy water elements and then plutonium and deuterium. Both of those, all four of those elements that had never been discovered he sent out to 800 different universities in his book. Two years later he watched as other People came and got Nobel Prizes for his work. Why? Because he didn't patent it. He didn't copyright it. So I copyright all these things and patented all these things before bringing them to you. They are true, and I think there's some value to them. The money is, there's nothing wrong with the money, but how we deal with the money. But if you can divide money, you can multiply it. It works hand in hand. Or you can't see that? You can't see dividing money?

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