Dolores Cannon – How Life is Created on Planets & Human Being Evolution

7 months ago

They create life on other planets because this is the way they were created. They call the Archaic ones, meaning the ones from the very beginning. They have been doing this forever and there are councils over all of this.

There is definitely rules and regulations that govern everything.

The councils have the history books of all the planets and all the records.

When a planet reaches the point that it can support life, that is a very momentous time in the history of that planet.

It is at this time, that the planet is given its Life Charter. They have an accumulation of cells, sperm, ova and it all goes into the massive laboratory banks in the laboratory craft.

Where did the cells come from that created life on Earth? It doesn’t matter as it is mixtures and they begin with single cell organisms and they hope that it will take hold and begin to clump together to form a multi-celled organism.

They said you would have been surprised what you could have looked like.

This take a lot of time. So they would come back from time to time to check on everything.

It is like Star Trek – they have their assignments and they go and check on different planets in the different stages of development.

Then it comes time to decide to which animal they will choose to manipulate the DNA so it can become a thinking human being.

They chose the Ape because it had the greatest brain capacity and also it had the hands, you would have to hands to make tools to build a civilization.

They began to manipulate the DNA to eventually turn it into a Human Being.

They said that we will never find the missing link because there isn’t any, it jumped generations so fast.

They call this the Grand Experiment. But something happened to spoil this grand experiment.

They gave this planet a creature with intelligence and free will and we will observe what they do with it.

We had evolved greatly with technologies given to us and there was a huge war between Atlantis and Lemuria.

There are laws the “seeders” have to follow and one is the Law of Non-Interference – they cannot interfere with the development of the species.

They can give us GIFTS of knowledge and gifts of plants and animals but they can not interfere with what we do with these gifts, how we manipulate and use them.

What we do with these gifts is our own free will and it cannot be interfered with.

Mankind has taken things many times and turned it into something negative. Not what it was intended to be at all.

They can’t tell us how to use the gifts and what the gifts were intended for as that would be interference with free will.

They can give it to us one time and what we do with it after that is our own free will and they cannot say anything about it.



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END. 6/20/2024 – 3:00 PM

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