The Terrorist WHO Director-General Tedros

8 months ago

WHO Director-General Tedros: Agreement on the global fight against the pandemic will be concluded by 2025
WHO Director-General Tedros: Agreement on the global fight against the pandemic will be concluded by 2025

“The world made history today at the World Health Assembly. After two years of negotiations, a significant package of amendments to the International Health Regulations was adopted, based on lessons learned from the Covid-19 pandemic. The IHR were last updated 19 years ago.

The amendments adopted today strengthen global preparedness, surveillance, and response to public health emergencies, including pandemics. While the Pandemic Compact is a work in progress, the Health Assembly has charted a path forward. It agreed to extend the mandate of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body in order to complete negotiations on the Pandemic Agreement as soon as possible, at the latest by the World Health Assembly next year."

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