Noah, Daniel And Job Are Coming Back-NOW THE END BEGINS-JUNE 10 2024

8 months ago

There are three men in the Old Testament that play pivotal roles – Noah, Daniel and Job – and according to God, they are shining examples of personal righteousness. But these three men – Noah, Daniel and Job – do a lot more than simply show us that. They are intimately involved with events that will take place during the time of Jacob’s trouble. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we time-travel to the very near future to see what this world will look like in the days after the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church, a period known as the time of Jacob’s trouble. When the New Testament talks about this, we find ourselves constantly being directed back to three men, Noah, Daniel and Job. Jesus Himself provides the references for us to follow. Join us as we follow the ministries of Noah, Daniel and Job from the Old Testament all the way up to their likely physical return to Earth in the time of Jacob’s trouble!

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