Colorado’s 2024 Primary Election Voter Guide For Second Amendment Supporters

8 months ago

Colorado’s 2024 Primary Election Voter Guide For Second Amendment Supporters

Ava Flanell and Lesley Hollywood discuss Colorado’s most important primary races as it relates to gun control, gun rights and the Second Amendment.

The primary election is June 25, 2024 and ballots should be in mailboxes now. Return your ballot or vote in person by 7pm on election day. If you did not receive a ballot, contact your county clerk. Not registered? You can register to vote and vote up until election day.

Register to vote, check and update voter registration, track your ballot, contact your county clerk, find in-person voting locations, and more at

In this video we discuss the following Republican Primary races:

Congressional Districts:
CD8 - Gabe Evans (our choice) vs Janak Joshi
CD5 - Jeff Crank (our choice) vs Dave Williams
CD4 - Lauren Boebert vs Deb Flora vs Mike Lynch vs Richard Holtorf vs Jerry Sonnenberg vs Peter Yu

District Attorney:
4th Judicial District - Mike Allen vs David Willson
23rd Judicial District - Dagny Van Der Jagt (our choice) vs George Brauchler

State Senate:
SD2 - Lisa Frizell (our choice) vs Timothy Wesley Arvidson
SD10 - Larry Liston vs Rex Tonkins vs David Stiver
SD12 - Stan VanderWerf vs Adriana Cuva
SD23 - Barb Kirkmeyer vs Natalie Abshier

State House:
HD20 - Jarvis Caldwell (our choice) vs Jason Lupo
HD21 - Mary Bradfield (our choice) vs Jan Koester vs Bill Garlington
HD43 - Matt Burcham vs Lora Thomas
HD45 - Bill Jack vs Max Brooks
HD46 - Christina Rae Mascarenas vs Kim Swearingen
HD65 - Lori Garcia Sander (our choice) vs Trent Lane Liesy

We also briefly discuss the HD4 Democrat Primary between Tim Hernández and Cecelia Espenoza as well as the HD6 Democrat Primary between Elisabeth Epps and Sean Camacho

Help us win the toss-up state legislative districts by donating to Balancing the Rockies IEC at

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