The Religion Business: EXPOSED!

8 months ago

Episode: The Religion Business: EXPOSED! @TheBekLoverPodcast

Nathan & Chris speak about their upcoming film and work to expose these religious institutions and non-profit organizations that take advantage of GOD loving people. The documentary will be released between Thanksgiving and Christmas 2024, with discussions for distribution on various platforms underway. The Religion Business is a documentary that investigates corruption in religious institutions and non-profit organizations. Chris and Nathan have compiled evidence and are developing a software platform for transparency and accountability in the sector. Chris and Nathan have been investigating fundraising and donations for 12 years and the goal is to inspire change and transform the non-profit sector globally.

Stay tuned, share the content and support the podcast simply by subscribing and smashing the like button.

You never know which guest will come on and you can "learn a thing or two about life"
- Bek Lover


Chapters: Timestamps
00:00:00 - Introduction to "The Bek Lover Podcast"
00:01:00 - Podcast Beginning : Welcome!
00:04:28 - The Institutional Focus on Money
00:07:39 - The Trap of Non-Denominationalism
00:11:22 - Denominationalism and Non-Denominationalism
00:15:06 - Transparency and Accountability in Nonprofits
00:19:09 - The Importance of Accountability in Donations
00:22:54 - The Scale of the Nonprofit Sector
00:27:08 - Banned on TikTok for Hate Speech
00:30:44 - The Importance of "Intention" and "Pure Actions" in "Good Deeds"
00:34:47 - Music "Ending"

Bek Lover, famous motivational speaker and world famous Podcaster.
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