GOW - Mr Tippel - ROCK MUSIC

3 months ago


Source: https://soundcloud.com/andrea-bittolo-940782505/mr-tippel
Is licensed: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

Notice of Copyright: All music and/or video imagery and/or photographic images that may appear in this video, if any were sourced from the download website the music content was sourced, this may include album covers or the like, and/or images or videos may have been added and/or altered from https://www.pexels.com/ and/or https://pixabay.com in accordance with the instructions provided on the download web pages. This music channel produces material that is not intended to infringe on the copyright or intellectual property material held by the content creator that is contained within this video. I do not own any of the music or album art used in this video, except for content mix that I have added to the material to enhance the visual and entertainment appeal of this channel. Any music or visual art content provided by the creator is their intellectual property and distributed in accordance with their instructions and if instructions have not been provided, this distribution has been done so with the best intention and reasonable diligence to ensure that it has not been done outside the moral of intellectual property rights. The creator retains all rights and owns the copyright to their material. The content (typically music and album art) created by the creator has been sources from a third-party website. The creator has uploaded the content and stated on the third party website that this material is Creative Commons (CC) license and/or given specific instruction to credit their work. (for further information on creative commons licences please follow this link: https://creativecommons.org/licenses) as disclosed on the website I am free to share, copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, adapt, remix, transform and build upon the material. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as I have followed their license terms, as follows. Attribution: I must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. I may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses me or my use of their content or material. With no additional restrictions other than I may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits. I have made all reasonable efforts to ensure that all third party material is labelled correctly when required to ensure the licensor copyrights are not infringed. I filter content before uploading it on this website to avoid copyright infringement and I have taken all reasonable measures and due diligence so that I do not upload any content without permission that is the intellectual property of another creator, person, organisation, body or other thing, whatever it may be. From this point onward within this disclaimer referred to as the other(s). If the creator of the content that I have uploaded has infringed the other(s) intellectual property I cannot be held liable as I have not distributed the content with knowledge that the content was not accordingly attributed, a derivative or not licensed for use by the original content creator. As I have provided all website links to websites that I have sourced the content/material from I believe I have uploaded this video in accordance with the content creators instructions. Should you believe the content/material has infringed on other(s) copyright or intellectual property you must send any notices, requests or letters of demand to the content creator (I have provided the links above). It is important to understand that I have not participated in an infringement as I have not created the infringing content. If you believe the content within this video has in any way infringed your or an other(s) intellectual property rights or copyright you must inform me immediately. Within reasonable time and within my capacity I will remove the video from this website, this is not an admission of my guilt, it simply gives me the opportunity to stop the infringement (if any) of the material by the tertiary content creator on behalf of the original creator. If you are the owner or licensor of the content that I have uploaded to this website and if you believe in any way that I have uploaded your creation without your permission or not in accordance described within this disclaimer. You must notify me immediately, I will remove the video from this website, this is not an admission of my guilt, it simply gives me the opportunity to stop any perceived infringement.

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