Peck Pocketed - an animated short film

7 months ago

"Peck Pocketed," an animated short film by Kevin Herron, is a delightful and quirky tale that charms audiences with its unique storytelling and endearing characters. Set in a bustling city teeming with life, the film follows the mischievous adventures of Percy, a plucky young magpie with a penchant for shiny objects.

As Percy navigates the urban landscape, his insatiable curiosity leads him to embark on a series of daring heists, pilfering trinkets and treasures from unsuspecting pedestrians. However, his larcenous escapades soon catch the attention of a tenacious police officer determined to catch the feathered thief.

With its vibrant animation and whimsical soundtrack, "Peck Pocketed" takes viewers on a thrilling and heartwarming journey filled with laughter, suspense, and unexpected twists. Along the way, the film delivers a poignant message about the true value of friendship, honesty, and the joy of giving.

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