05.30.24 - Osage County GOP-Town Hall Forum/Debate

6 months ago

05.30.24 -
**The beginning of my Facebook live was cut and deleted, not by the current County GOP Chair. The first 25 minutes of this video came from another Facebook Live. It has been added to the beginning. It can be hard to hear in the beginning, but will improve with the new feed. Thank you**

Osage County GOP-Town Hall Forum/Debate Mike Fisher, DA and invitees Sheriff Eddie Virden, County Clerk Robin Slack and Candidate Bud Beaston.
We have had a lot of mudslinging and claims of corruption and crimes in our County. One side is saying no. The other says they have the proof. All parties were invited, but only the DA came. This was intended to be a public Town Hall to address corruption claims. Still, instead, our Undersheriff Gary Upton went as the representative for the three invitees and then made multiple false comments. We are very disappointed that the invitees did not attend.
When someone alleges corruption, we, the members of the community, deserve to have it investigated and to receive answers. However, nothing was presented.
Thank you to Steve Talburt, Pastor & District 2 Commissioner, for leading us in Prayer and to Bart Perrier, Candidate for Sheriff (standing in for the absent County Sheriff), for leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

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