Child Appears To Die Suddenly Next To Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (plz read below video)

8 months ago

Child appears to die suddenly next to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who went on to later say, it was a “tragedy no one wants to see” after an unvaccinated child under five years of age had passed away from measles. BULLSHIT! If that kid died it was because they WERE vaccinated with the clot shot! Measles is NOT a deadly disease, however mrna gene therapy IS deadly!
a comment from below that video...
Trudeau is a liar as are all the mainstream press. No one drops dead from the measles. Na, the only thing that does that is massive blood clots from the jab. The rise in sudden death in children is through the fucking roof. And every single one of the fuckers who forced this poison on the people should be awaiting execution.

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