Why Hazrat Abu Baker Saddique RA is known as the savior of Islam?

3 months ago

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Why Hazrat Abu Baker Saddique RA is known as the savior of Islam?

Asslamoalaikum sisters brothers friends and elders, we are discribing that why Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (RA) is revered as the savior of Islam in this educational and informative video. Learn about his unwavering dedication, key contributions, and pivotal role in early Islamic history. Understand his leadership during times of crisis, his close companionship with the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and the profound impact he had on preserving and propagating Islam. This video provides valuable insights and historical context, enhancing your knowledge about one of the most significant figures in Islam. Don't miss out on this enlightening journey. watch complete video and also share with your friends so that they also benifit.

Hazrat Abu-Bakr took the office of caliphate at the most crucial and critical moment in Islamic history. He gave Islam a new life after the death of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). Islam was in its infant stage when he was entrusted with the responsibility of Caliphate. He was threatened by rebellion, rise or fall prophets and apostasy movement. He crushed all the infidel powers because of his unshakable faith.

No amount of difficulty could make him negligent of the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). He brought unity among the Muslims and crushed all the rebellions. In view of his great service for the cause of Islam, Hazrat Abu Bakr may be rightly being called the Saviour of Islam.
Hazrat Abu-Bakr (R.A) was the Great Leader

It was in the time of Hazrat Abu-Bakr that the teachings of Islam crossed the Arabian borders. A major part of Iraq came under his rule and Muslim armies captured many important cities of Syria. Thus Islam, the religion of all mankind, they started to blossom as a world religion during the period of his caliphate.
Character of Hazrat Abu Bakr

He was the most distinguished figure of Islam after the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). He was mild and gentle but stern when necessary. He was the true embodiment of Islam. Being diligent, wise, full of wisdom and a great statesman, he occupies a unique place in Islamic history.

He was the most pious companion of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). He never spoke obscene harsh and immodest words in any situation. Most of all, he feared Allah. He was a great worshipper. It is said that Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) used to perform Salat similar to that of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H).

He was the one who spent all of his belongings for the sake of Allah and his Prophet.

The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) gave him the glad tidings of Paradise in these words:

“Abu Bakr’s name shall be called out from all gates of paradise and he will be the first person of my ummah to enter into it” [Sahih Muslim].
Death of Hazrat Abu Bakr

After a fortnight’s illness, Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) passed away at the age of 63 on the 22nd of Jamadi-uth-Thani, 13 A.H. Before his death he spoken to his daughter, Hazrat Ayesha following words:

“Do not use new cloth for my shroud. Wash the sheet in my use and wrap my corpse in it” [Tarikh-ul-Khulafa].

His wish was acted upon. His next wish was to pay back all the money he got as salary for caliph from Baitul Maal by selling his garden. Hazrat Abu Bakr left behind a noble example of selfless service. He lived and worked for the sake of Islam to his last breath, but sought no reward.

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