Warner Bros Should DIE! | Batman Beyond Fan Trailer Rant!

8 months ago

Join me in this epic Batman Beyond fan trailer rant as I discuss why Warner Bros should just DIE! Let's dive into the world of Batman Beyond and the struggles with Warner Bros in bringing this iconic series to In animated film. #BatmanBeyond #WarnerBros #Rant

Twitter: twitter.com/PhoenixdoesVids
MERCH STORE: buyphoenixmerch.com
00:00 -Start
00:25 -Trailer!
01:43 -Rant!

#cancelculture #sweetbaby #dei #kotaku #gamingnews #starwarsoutlaws #dceu #dceunews #cancelculture #comics #comicbooks #indiecomics #marvelcomics #marvelstudios

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