July 24, 1964 | LBJ Press Conference (Opening Statement)

8 months ago

July 24, 1964 - Following are the highlights of President Johnson’s news conference today:
Vietnam — He reiterated the United States promise to defend South Vietnam and said there could be peace “if those who practice terror and ambush will simply honor their existing agreements.”
New York Violence — He said he had “gained the impression” that “extremist elements” were involved in the recent New York racial disturbances. He said the Federal Government was prepared to assist with whatever action might be “necessary and desirable.”
Nuclear Weapons — He said the President must maintain ultimate control of nuclear weapons and that the American people wished to rely on the President’s judgment in the matter.
Racial Issue — Mr. Johnson indicated that, inasmuch as Senator Barry Goldwater held views apparently different from those expressed in the Civil Rights Act, the racial issue would be a proper subject of discussion in the campaign.
Violence — He asserted that where Federal assistance was necessary and proper to help deter lawlessness, it would be supplied but that “it is not up to us to take over the authority of all the local governments.”

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