060924 Word From God -PROPHECY --APPROACHING STORM U B Ready

3 months ago

U B Ready
Received 5/30/2024
Jeremiah 11:9-10
9 And the LORD said unto me, A conspiracy is found among the men of Judah, and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
10 They are turned back to the iniquities of their forefathers, which refused to hear my words; and they went after other gods to serve them: the house of Israel and the house of Judah have broken my covenant which I made with their fathers.

My son, the TIME OF CHAOS is fast approaching, and My body is not prepared. Many have prophesied that this nation is blessed and will be blessed again - depending on who will be placed as king.

But I tell you now - ONLY I CAN BLESS A NATION - NOT A MAN.

This king will only bring more chaos - not because of who HE IS - but because of who I AM. This nation and its wickedness will collapse under its sin. The unrepentant nature of this nation has now reached the end of the rope, and death is now here.

My son, even though WAR IS AT THE DOOR - My church is silent. My body fears the reprisals of men if they stand for righteousness and holiness.

The SEASON OF CHAOS and the SUMMER OF RAGE will begin now in earnest. REPENT NOW - you sleeping church - and prepare for your TIME OF TESTING. The church will continue to splinter, and those who preach My Word and walk in faith will be cast away from those who preach and teach abominable doctrines.

My son, many in My body refuses to repent and will be caught away in the chaos. Much bloodshed will be unleashed on the streets, and cities will burn. To those who hear My voice - DO NOT GET CAUGHT UP IN THE WHIRLPOOLS! There will be many whirlpools, and My children will be caught up in some.

Stay in My Word, stay on your knees, for this battle is won by prayer. Have your grain silos filled to weather the stormy days ahead.

What if Noah had not prepared??
What if Joseph had not prepared??
Have you prepared for the coming famine??

Many will perish and miss the GLORY RIVER because of unbelief. They choose to NOT HEED My warnings and brace for these days.

My son, continue to SHOUT REPENT to these deaf people. Some will hear and be ready. The bear's mighty right arm is ready to crush all in its way. The dragon will flex its muscle and flap its wings, and many will be amazed at the destruction.

BABYLON - I AM TURNING UP THE HEAT! Prepare for the chaos and famine.

I AM coming soon for those who stand for Me.

Lord Jesus

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