The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Walking The Enlightened Path Part 1

7 months ago

One of the biggest misconceptions about yoga is that it's solely about striking poses on a mat, preferably while sporting stylish spandex pants. It's no surprise this has become the prevailing notion in modern society, shaping yoga into a subculture focused on fitness and consumerism.

In this reality, truth is consistently suppressed, inverted, and often accessible only to the mystical seeker. It's crucial to illuminate the true essence of yoga, rather than perpetuating the false narrative presented to us, for within it lies a formula—a roadmap, if you will—for transcending misery, fear, and ignorance!

With yoga's origins dating back 5,000 years, this ancient philosophy is still embraced with remarkable success by yogi's and yogini's worldwide as a path to enlightenment.

This is no mere fluke, the study of yoga is vast and encompasses alchemizing methods to EVERY aspect of the human experience. NOT JUST YOGA POSES!

This leads us to this month's lecture topic: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali...

The term "sutra" derives from the Sanskrit word meaning "to thread or weave," similar to the English word "suture," which denotes "to stitch together." These sutras embody clarity, precision, and profound wisdom, serving as invaluable tools to prevent, overcome, and transcend human miseries and suffering, even in modern times.

Patanjali's Sutras are organized into four sections, known as padas. Within Section Two, Sadhana Pada, lies the detailed exploration of the eight-fold path of yoga, referred to as "ashtanga yoga" in sutra 29. These teachings, left by Sage Patanjali, serve as a guide for seekers of liberation, emphasizing the steps needed to attain harmonious alignment of body, mind, and spirit.

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