The THIRD SIDE of the COIN ~ JARED RAND 06-09-24 #2224

4 months ago

GLOBAL MEDITATION CALL 667-770-1452 Code 9135830#

Or For replays: 667-770- 1349 (same code)

Jared’s website:

TIME FOR CHANGE CALLS NUMBER 667-770-1452 Code 9135830#

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#Meditation, #Guided Meditation, #Abundance, #Abundance Flow, #Bliss, #Manifesting, #Prosperity, #Happiness, #Jared Rand, #Young Lightworkers, #Universal White Christ Light, #Green Healing Light, # Purple Transmuting Flame, #Christ Light of Protection,, #Celestial Chamber, #Bliss, #Angels, #Ascended Masters, #LOVE, #GRACE, #EASE, #ASCENSION, #GRATITUDE, #Blessings, #New Earth, #Arya, #Gaia, #Galactic’s, # Young Lightworkers , #Inner Peace, #Compassion, #Inspiration, #Motivation, #Vibration,

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