July 16, 1964 | Goldwater Acceptance Speech at Republican Convention

8 months ago

July 16, 1964 - Senator Barry Goldwater accepted the Republican Presidential nomination at the Cow Palace in San Francisco tonight with the declaration that “extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.”
Replying to the Republicans who sought to make extremism an issue in the nomination and platform fights, the new GOP standard-bearer told a wildly cheering convention that “moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”
His reference to “extremism” got the noisiest response of any passage in his speech.
The Senator declared that Communism is the nation’s No. 1 enemy and promised that Republicans must and shall “set the tides running again in the cause of freedom.”
Shortly before Goldwater spoke, the convention accepted without opposition his choice of 50-year-old Rep. William E. Miller of New York, retiring GOP national chairman, as the Vice-Presidential nominee.

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