Hologramic Reality @ Awareness of N.P.D. Abuse

8 months ago

In this video, I discuss the discovery that this is a holographic reality. In Michael Talbot's wonderful little book, 'The Holographic Universe,' (what is in my mind) irrefutable scientific evidence is reported about how this is a hologram-based reality. I say all of our beliefs, thoughts, self-concepts and then traumas form into an etheric mental architecture or hologram. If you don't like what's in it, it is up to you to do the shadow work to change it. If you are stubborn (like me,) psilocybin (where legal, - like here it is decriminalized, _thankfully_,) can be a great benefit in the repatterning of your hologram.

However, in an abusive relationship with someone who has N.P.D., _they_ must be the center of everything, the one-and-only-God-arbitrator or the "bearer of the gold standard," as Les Carter calls it. I mention the Tibetan Buddhist ritual of the Kala Chakra Tantra (which can take years - the Dalai Lama has performed it twice, as I recall.) In this long meditation, you envision yourself _as the buddha_ (a kind of Buddhist Gnostic meditation,) in the center of this huge, multi-layered temple-castle. At every corner, you encounter another buddha, Enlighted master, or wrathful or harmonious deity. In other words, it is a huge mandala of a mediation as you in the form of a Buddha. Here, you will encounter all of your internal archetypes and items or beings within your psychological landscape. I think this meditation is a good example of how you can begin to work with your hologram (and program your own mind rather than being externally mind-controlled.) Enjoy

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