The Long Term Fruit of an Apostolic Strategy & Key to Unity

3 months ago

The long term fruit of an apostolic strategy and the key to unity were revealed through reports from two ministers who I trained in the use of 1Church1Day. It is an apostolic strategy that empowers the Church in a city, region, county, state or even nation to mobilize 24/7 prayer in their respective jurisdiction. Their reports prove the apostolic nature of it as they continue to bear supernatural, reproducible, cross cultural, and cross denominational fruit to this day.

Wisdom is justified by her children. One of the unique characteristics of an apostle is it carries with it a gift of wisdom to accompany the gift of revelation.

Contained within it is the key to unity. We have from Charismatic to Catholic and from Presbyterian to Pentacostal engaged in nations around the world who are engaged in this strategy with reports from more than 34+ nations. But within all of those denominations we also have people that opposes us. We even have had people from the prophetic and apostolic stream oppose us as well. This led to a teaching given by Jesus which reveals the key to unity and our experience in the application of this strategy proves it.

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