Family I Need More Intercession

6 months ago

Family I Need More Intercession

June 5th, 2024

May the Lord give you inspiration and stamina and may He find you busy about His business when He comes. Amen

My precious family, I want to share with you some of the trials we have gone through, in hopes that your prayers will help us in a break through, and give you strength and courage to persevere.

In case you haven’t been informed, we are under several X class, electromagnetic waves of energy produced by the sun’s unprecedented activity. The earth is warming because the energy being sent from the sun, wave after wave of radiation, is being absorbed into the core of the earth, heating it up along with all the oceans of the world. There is a huge sea under the surface of the earth and prehistoric creatures are living but because of this heat they are rising up from under the earth where there is a massive ocean, because of the rising temperatures. Dead sea creatures are washing up on the shores, and many unusual things are being seen. In Revelation 16:3 when the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea. This is happening enmass around the world.

This energy is also undermining our magnetosphere and there are actually places in the world where no one can enter or they will be killed instantly by the space weather, which has penetrated to the earth, which we used to have protection from but the radiation from the sun has successfully burned a hole in it. Commensurate with that is the increase in volcanoes and earthquakes. We are in the end times beloved family.

This radiation is affecting the health of everyone not shielded from it. Metal roofs do help to deflect it, special fabric also works and can be made into clothing, hats, and covers for equipment. If you are feeling extremely exhausted, it may be from these X class CME’s (Coronal Mass Ejections) a very serious one arriving in one week from today around the 7th of June is expected and may set off volcanoes and earthquakes. In any case, these events have made me exhausted and unable to think clearly, especially because we live at a high elevation, so we are more subject to the sun’s rays.

In addition to that the local Satanic covens have been coming up in the middle of the night laying traps and curses on the property which we have to clean up in the morning. It’s been a real piece of work just to stay in the saddle dear ones. So, I am seriously asking for your prayers, and so is the Lord.

I began my conversation with Jesus, Oh Lord, I understand now that I haven’t been working for You with all my heart. I have permitted fatigue and illness to slow me down.

Jesus replied, “I’m so glad you finally recognize it.”

Oh Jesus, I am so sorry.

Please Lord, how did this happen?

“You are not feeling well, but you have to push through it Beloved. You cannot drop the ball, too many are counting on you.”

Forgive me Lord, but I have been feeling that I am not helping anyone and when I get a wisdom message I refrain from writing it because I know You have asked for more about Heaven.

“I do want more about Heaven and you have plenty to draw from in the Chronicles of the Bride book. Beloved, it is just a matter of doing what you know I want you to do whether you feel like it or not. You are relying too much on your own opinion and feelings and they sabotage your inspiration.

Nobody said it would be easy or flow like a silk scarf. No, rather it is more like putting on a scarf that has fallen into the bushes and is covered in stickers and burrs on your head. There are endless sticky spots that you must navigate and overcome with resolve that you know for a fact this is what I want. Your faith also has been underattack. That which I have said I will do, and in fact will be completed. I am not about to leave off on a work in mid stream. That is not My Method of Operation. Rather, I finish what I begin. Many now on the internet are recognizing the need for a change in the tone of their messages, to cheer and inspire the weary and worn thin, Body of Christ.

Satan has played My people, making them weary of living and it is a constant struggle for even My most faithful servants, to continue on in My work. The Prophet’s calling is also to restore beaten down believers with a fresh word of encouragement so they can continue on. Your journeys with Me into Heaven are badly needed. I want My people to get their eyes off the earth and onto the rewards that await them for all their suffering. This is why I send prophets to them.

You have fallen down into a dark place, a prison of impossibilities that is being used against you. You are not the only one. Satan is making an all out effort to render My assignments an impossibility so my servants will give it up altogether. Nothing is impossible to Me, and your life must be founded on this reality, or you will continue to falter and stagnate.

The entire Body of Christ is suffering under a blanket of discouragement, that is why My prophets are spreading encouraging words. I would like you to be one of them. Your words of encouragement are very direct and hit the mark."

Lord, this is what I want as well. I am just lacking in confidence that I am doing any good.

“That is a lie because you are a powerful encourager. From the littlest things to the biggest, you move souls to keep on with Me and trust My plan for their lives.

I thought about what He was saying for a few seconds.

He is smiling at me, “You get it, finally. All of this discouragement is a smoke screen to stop you in your tracks. Get back up on that Heavenly horse I have given you and trot right through their midst, delivering hope to the faltering.”

Lord, please lift me up, I am so beaten down and weary.

“I know, I know. More of Me and less of everything and everybody that have no direct bearing on encouraging My Bride to have stamina and finish the race. Don’t you think I can quicken your faltering body?”

That’s funny cause I just pulled a rhema card that said, “Oh Lord, that You would blow upon the Embers of this faint heart, and cause it to burst into flames of Holiness.” I answered Him, Yes Lord, I do think you can. Please, would you? ”That was early this morning, and I am feeling much better and more connected now.”

Jesus continued, “The changes you are making now in your daily habits, will facilitate that. But I am not going to give you that grace if you only run a few miles with it. I want to see you at the finish line. Victorious, I might add. This is doable, but it is in your hands to rally up for the challenge. It is true that the prayer warriors are also faltering in supporting you, so you must encourage them too.

Beloved warriors, every success depends upon your support for Mother Clare. She is not young anymore and has many physical challenges to overcome, not the least of which is also taking care of her husband. She needs your help and your prayers, she is worn down and running on fumes. Your prayers will lift her out of this darkplace and stabilize her. She needs you everyday. I still have work for her that you will greatly benefit from, but at this rate, it is not getting done and will not get done without your serious intercession on her behalf.

It is up to you, do you want the treasures I have saved up for you, from this vessel, or are you complacent and self satisfied? I know you all have burdens to carry and pray about, but what you want from Me can only be done by intense prayer for her. Press in and do not slack off. Be sure to listen to the messages as I give them to her. She is not as strong as she appears to be, and I chose her because I would get all the credit for anything she undertook. This in turn is a great inspiration and lesson for you all to reach higher in the confidence that, when I tell you what I want to accomplish through you, I will do the doing, you are but My faithful and obedient little vessels. Great things are accomplished because of that. Oh how beautiful are My dedicated intercessors, I cherish you.

Remember also that she is under relentless attack from Satanic covens around the world, Africa being some of the strongest. Much vigilance is necessary, many prayers of protection are necessary, and immediate response to curses has become crucial. I am allowing them to try the community so that each member will recognize their vulnerable buttons and train themselves to overcome them. In this regard, these witches are doing me a great service.”

But recognizing this, your vigilant prayers are needed to strengthen her and the community, to grow in brotherly love and compassion especially for those treading the eternal dead end paths of hatred and cursing, those who are deeply entrenched in Satan’s ways because they have believed lies about Me. Pray for her adversaries, they are indeed very lost.”

I am counting on you Heart Dwellers to turn the tides here and make it possible for her to bring you more messages that you are hungering for and I have for you. You will receive a prophet’s reward for your faithful prayers.”

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