The Acolyte Is As Bad As You Think | Episode 1 & 2 Review

8 months ago

The Acolyte just released episode 1 and 2. If you thought this show was going to be bad then you thought right. I actually watched every single minute of the two episodes and here are some of my thoughts and opinions. Stay tuned for a live reaction stream this Wednesday for the next weeks episode...heard its a good one.

The style of video is similar to channels like Nerdrotic, Geeks + Gamers, Ryan Kinel, The Quartering, Knights Watch and Mediaholic.

Nerdrotic The Acolyte Review and Reactions, Geeks and Gamers The Acolyte Review and Reactions, Ryan Kinel The Acolyte Review and Reactions, The Quartering The Acolyte Review and Reactions, Knights Watch The Acolyte Review and Reactions, Mediaholic The Acolyte Review and Reactions, Pop Culture Crisis The Acolyte Review and Reactions, Drunk3PO The Acolyte Review and Reactions, Melonie Mac Go Boom The Acolyte Review and Reactions, Disparu The Acolyte Review and Reactions, YellowFlash 2 The Acolyte Review and Reactions, Michael Knowles The Acolyte Review and Reactions, Matt Walsh The Acolyte Review and Reactions, Timcast The Acolyte Review and Reactions, Salty Cracker The Acolyte Review and Reactions,

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