What is a Constitutional Sheriff?

7 months ago

I interviewed Sheriff Mike Bonham, from Osage County, about this question. A good sheriff will stand between his citizens and criminals--even the ones who are in the federal government.


I first learned about a Constitutional Sheriff last Fall when I read The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates by Matthew J. Trewhella. Amazon Link here. https://www.amazon.com/Doctrine-Lesser-Magistrates-Resistance-Repudiation/dp/1482327686

Trewhella argues that the sheriff is in a unique position in government to act as a barrier between state and federal overreach and the citizens. We all want a sheriff to exercise this duty, whether we are conservative, progressive, or somewhere in between.

Interposition simply means the sheriff or other elected official can be a barrier or wall against violations of constitutional rights.

Missouri’s Problem

However, in Missouri, the laws governing the election of Sheriffs are now in statutes instead of our state constitution. This means a bureaucrat in Jeff City could use his/her authority to remove a sheriff (elected by his county or district) who attempts to protect his people against the bureaucrat's unlawful and unconstitutional orders.

Sheriff Bonham has been trying to protect his voter’s right to choose to remove him or elect him based on their will and not the will of a Jeff City bureaucrat.

Sheriff Bonham serves on the Missouri Sheriff Association Executive Board, the Missouri Sheriff Methamphetamine Relief Taskforce, and as an Ordained Minister.




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