Goethe - Haste not! Rest not! German Poetry

9 months ago

"Haste not! Rest not!" is a poem written by the German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832).
Goethe is considered one of Germany's greatest writers. He is well-known for his world masterpieces such as "Faust" and "Werther", both of which were later turned into well-known operas.
Haste not! Rest not!
“Ohne Hast, ohne Rast.”

WITHOUT haste! without rest!
Bind the motto to thy breast;
Bear it with thee as a spell:
Storm and sunshine guard it well!
Heed not flowers that round thee bloom,
Bear it onward to the tomb.
Haste not! Let no thoughtless deed
Mar for aye the spirit’s speed;
Ponder well, and know the right;
Onward, then, with all thy might.
Haste not! Years can ne’er atone
For one reckless action done.
Rest not! Life is sweeping by;
Go and dare before you die:
Something mighty and sublime
Leave behind to conquer time!
Glorious ’t is to live for aye,
When these forms have passed away.
Haste not! Rest not! Calmly wait;
Meekly bear the storms of fate!
Duty be thy polar guide,—
Do the right, whate’er betide!
Haste not! Rest not! Conflicts past,
God shall crown thy work at last.
Read by Craig Campbell
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Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100301
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
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Paul Cézanne, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
TEXT: https://cooltext.com/Logo-Design-Outline

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