Storm of Fate

9 months ago

In dreams, tempest's vivid play,
Twilight whispers of days long past,
Awakened to the rose's gaze,
A tale, hope, a love that lasts.
Falling through prism's glass,
Fractured memories, shards of pain,
To save her soul, I now must pass
Through storms of lightning, born again.
This crimson path Must Now I tread,
A goddess bound by mortal chains,
Forging new life from what has bled,
And yet, my heart, anguish remains.
Unchained, rose reborn in white,
Resolute my lightning blade,
I stand, champion of the light,
In this eternal masquerade.
A glimpse of solace in the night,
The Bounded's burden, now allayed.
In dreams, a tempest's vivid play,
Twilight whispers of days long past.

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