Atomic Biscuits - 20240609 - Constriction

8 months ago

This week pro-Palestinian advocates erected an encampment around Los Angeles City Hall with further plans to surround the White House. You can bet another "Summer of Love" is on the way from the Soros Klan, Bilderbergers, and WEFr's. The political machinations of the Biden regime took a strange turn when they pushed Lunchbucket Joe out to the mic to tell the world he was "going to fix what the Republicans failed to do"...he was going to close the border. Really? How many short-attention span theater Democrats are there? Biden's first executive order, to undo Donald Trump's "remain in Mexico" policies, was heralded by Democrats. I guess when your constituency are the clapping seals in the sideshow tent, it really doesn't matter what the policy actually is in the leftists' voting booth. What we're watching in real-time is the controlled demoltion of the Bidens while the replacements prepare to take over.
There was a strange story about the EU detailing what the United States troop movements would be once faced with a NATO vs. Russia direct conflict and how they would be positioned and transported to protect NATO's border. Some defended the oversharing as "known since World War II" but it really does beg the question; why would a very public story like this emerge? Is it the truth or is it in-your-face disinformation? and for whom? Does anyone think Russia's strategists are this dumb? Have they asked why Putin is holding back? Russia is doing pretty good in isolation. As a key member of BRICS and with Xi keenly interested, Russia has expelled central banking and moved to the gold standard. Sanctions? what sanctions?
France is putting out for Saudi Arabia. They launched a cooperation agreement with the gulf states to provide access to all kinds of technology. What's interesting to me is that France is acting to protect itself and securing its own agreements without the EU. Does it mean something?
Also this week, ex-employees of top shelf artificial intelligence firms created an open letter requesting to be freed of restrictions which keep them from speaking out about the dangers AI presents. Nvidia stocks skyrocketed as the belief in the next Industrial Revolution will be driven by bots...the technology is moving fast and breaking things, like the stock markets, money markets and job markets. There will be no protections, but after you are destitute, the government will provide you with a pittance for your troubles. Just think about what the survivors of the Hawaii fires got (like $700) compared to what was sent overseas (zillions).

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