The Dance of Pluto and Sedna Pt 2: Healing Collective Shadow with Pluto #astrology #frequencies

8 months ago
41 Continuing the discussion on the similarities within Pluto’s and Sedna’s discovery charts. Both planets’ charts reveal much about healing Scorpio energy, specifically the shadow. Both planets govern the death and rebirth cycles, particularly that of the ego that has to learn to surrender control to the divine, and have much to teach us about healing the collective shadow. As we consciously work with these energies, we accelerate healing for ourselves and the planet.

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Planetary Frequencies begin: 26:36

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Moon/Mars square:
I now consciously integrate my sacred feminine essence and sacred masculine essence and courageously express my authentic nature without blame, shame, guilt, or apology.

Moon/Puto trine:
I now fully embody the power of my divine feminine essence, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. It is my birthright to express this powerful feminine instinct, intuition, and spiritual connection in a powerful way for the highest good of all.

Moon/Chiron opposition:
I now fully recognize and accept the intrinsic divine ability for my body to heal itself, and I embrace the body/mind/spirit connection that constitutes my whole and healed expression in life.

Moon/Sedna quincunx:
I recognize the challenge I agreed to before incarnating in this world, which has required an advanced soul curriculum involving the healing of my divine feminine essence for the sake of humanity’s return to unity consciousness.

Sun/Venus conjunction:
I now consciously and unconditionally accept all parts of my shadow, willingly bringing them into the light for the sake of my own, and humanity’s ultimate healing.

Sun/Venus/Neptune conj./opp:
I now consciously and unconditionally accept all parts of my feminine and spiritual nature that, when harmonized and balanced with divine masculine, represents reunion with divine harmony.

Merc/Mars/Jupiter (conj./trine):
I consciously and willingly use my mind to challenge any narrative that encourages a false sense of intellectual superiority by undermining my own instincts.

Merc/Neptune quincunx:
I accept the challenge to unify and harmonize my personal mind with my spiritual instincts. I connect with the divine essence as I see fit in a way that speaks to me naturally and organically.

Jupiter/Neptune square:
I am one of many instruments within the human family that is contributing to the healing of the Age of Pisces and facilitating the birth of the Age of the New Humanitarian who respects all organic forms of life.

Saturn/Uranus square:
I am one of many instruments within the human family who commits to taking back my divine authority to be spiritually free, healthy in body, and independent in my connection to the divine.

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