Israel is Elohim’s Last Days’ timepiece.

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Good morning everyone. I am sorry about last Sunday, 6/2/2024. The internet in our area went down and I had no way of informing you. I am preaching the sermon this week that I intended to last week.
We are witnessing unprecedented proof we are in the Last Days.

Russia, China, Syria, Iran, and the Middle East are warring with Israel through their anti-Semitism and for her natural resources.

What is the purpose of this invasion? Both the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 39 Coalition War of the Last Days provide the stimulus for the human and the divine purposes for this bloody invasion.

Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, and Islam on the whole, along with their benefactors that work behind the scenes, lawlessly, have four main objectives: Israel's land, money, total destruction of Israel, and power.

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