Prepping on a budget part 2 shelter and security

9 months ago

Part 2 of my prepping on a budget. Here we will cover shelter and security. you and your family need a safe secure shelter. I suggest staying in your home if you can but that might not be safe depending on the situation. Not everyone has money for a bunker or a bug out location. I have several options. While my plan is to bug in and stay close to where I have my supplies. I do have a tent and several other options to make quick shelters. As far as security it might be necessary for you to be able to defend you family and your supplies. At home you might have the home field advantage. If the grid goes down you might not have the advantage of security cameras. The are plenty of off grid perimeter alert items. I will put a link in description. Also when it comes to security there is nothing better for home defense than a shot gun. Always be safe when handling firearms and be aware of your target and what is behind it. Keep your family safe and secure in times of natural disaster or civil unrest you might be the only thing that stand between them and whatever is happening to the world outside. What normally takes the the authorities 5-10 minutes to respond might turn into hours or even days, if ever.
12 gauge perimeter alarm
Sound grenade alarm

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