I stand for truth , integrity and justice to safeguard humanity

4 months ago

This is the most important & crucial period of our lives in the century fiasco when public were forced to believe on unsolicited pandemics causing seriois harm to millions of people as a result of unpreecedented lockdown ,serious restrictions and forced experimental & unlicensed mRNA vaccine killing and harming millions of people across the world due to neglect , economical crisis, depression, isolation , fear created of Covid-19 by the mainstream media and lack of medical facilities especially the cancer patients .

The effects of such planned , multi global and multi media Compaign created ever lasting devastating effects on the entire population of the world in many ways.

As a qualified medical professional with 35 years of standing I found it unethical and unprofessional and stood to safeguard humanity of scientific evidenced studies to full fill my duty of candour and medical ethics which were taken adversely by the medical regulator & establishment to keep me silent and to pass message to wider medical community to shut them down but they failed to silence me.

Over the period truth has unfolded with vast scientific evidenced based studies with thousands of research papers published that public were fooled in fear of Covid -19 , lockdown , serious restrictions followed by infusion of toxic junk of vaccine.

This has resulted wide awakening of the public & masses across the world to understand over the 4 period that they were eronically deceived and fooled by the Elites resulting millions of unnecessary & preventable deaths , serious harm to public , economical crisis with nervous and psychological impacts .

Not only that many more pandemics , climate changes and lockdowns are being planned in different ways to cause more damage to the public through by health authorities in collaboration with WHO , big pharmas and deep state to impose one world order on public.

We need to stand up together with unity and strength to stop this happening in restricting our freedom , civil rights , failure in providing medical facilities resulting in unnecessary deaths during lockdown and lack of medical facilities , psychological impact , mental trauma and economical setback .

Stand up for your rights and don't be complicit to the plans of elites . Remember we are not only more in number but more powerful and history reveals no power on earth can withstand against the power of the public .
We are in between non violence and non existing approach , obedience and complicit strategies which is not helping , vast majority of us don't know what to do which is causing us more harm than good .

Time has come when we need to stand together to protect our freedom, fundamental rights and civil liberty to safeguard humanity ,
Trust on each other , stay United , regardless of any colour , race , relegion and individuality and move forward . " United we stand , divided we fall " That's the only way to protect your next generation.
Many facts have unfolded over the period and we need to keep moving to protect our rights . If you can't fly run, if you can't run walk ,if you can't walk crawl but keep moving forward to protect your human rights .

Can you help Mohammad I Adil raise £40000 to To help Dr Mohammad Adil who stood for the cause of humanity to seek justice from the Supreme Court of UK against the medical establishment.Please donate to their JustGiving Crowdfunding Page:


" Our life begin to end the day we become silent of things that matter"

Dr Mohamnad I Adil
Chairman & Founder of the World Doctors Alliance( WDA)

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