Treat Celebrities Better Prod. Prince The Producer

8 months ago

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who did the instrumental(Prince The Producer):
Im so sick of the mistreatment of celeberties
When they fall people act like they never bleed
Makes me so anxious as a rapper to ever succeed
Every word i say will be watched you better believe

Cancel culture hungry to find a mistake to cancel them
Like they aint human can they erase mistakes like a pencil then
Written in perminate inc everyone grows as people
Meanwhile the public makes them known as evil

its time to change to peace like ron artest
cuz they walk around with parinoa on their chest
Have a little respect some people wont honor that
Make fun of celebrities even tho they to have a heart attack

Poporizi gives you no privacy our your doorway
Answer questions wrong i see beef drawn your way
How can a celebety grow if theyre reminded of the past now
If the tables were turned would you find yourself to lash out

No wonder these rappers are taking these xanies
Now they are famous they dont imagine a plan b
Who gonna hire you when you make a damn scene
They know who you are im not talking about no damn acting

You hate on people you dont know in person
And you wonder why their behavoir worsens
I hope you know their people and it hurts them
Thanks God most people are nice and arent on the worst end

some journists love to dig up juicy stories
Dont dig dirt just to get better at reporting
And if youre offended and youre done supporting
Dont end their career over something not that important

Getting offended is perfectly legitmite
Until you get a hate mob to give them shit
Of course if they really fucked up thats different
Cancel cuture is the new hate speech equivllent

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