Plants vs Zombies 2 - Plant of the Week - Reinforce-Mint - June 2024

9 months ago

35 Reinforce-Mint seeds are awarded for completing this event consisting of five (5) levels.

Plant of the Week - Reinforce-Mint - was offered between June 8, 2024 through June 15, 2024.

Reinforce-Mint is a mint and consists of the following plants:
• Aloe
• Bean Sprout
• Blockoli
• Chard Guard
• Endurian
• Reinforce-Mint
• Holly Barrier
• Infi-nut
• Pea-nut
• Primal Wall-nut
• Pumpkin
• Sweet Potato
• Tall-nut
• Wall-nut

When planted, Reinforce-Mint knocks back all zombies 1.4 tiles and activates all plant food effects for all Reinforce-Mint plants on the lawn.

While the knockback of all zombies isn't all that spectacular - Spring Bean's plant food effect does that - it is the activating of all Reinforce-Mint plants is interesting.

That said, these are all defensive plants - apart from Pea-Nut. However, on a level where defensive is more important than eliminating zombies, this is good plant.

Bottom Line:
It isn't the most useful mint.
It isn't the most pretty mint.
It's not even the most effective mint.
But it's not a bad mint to have. So obtain and level this mint if you can.

00:00 Level 1
01:29 Level 2
02:25 Level 3
04:33 Level 4
06:23 Level 5

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